Saturday, April 19

A Day In The Park

The Sunday before last the weather was absolutely gorgeous, so after church we packed everyone up in the van and headed to Smoky Mountain National Park. We had a nice pic-nic lunch at the Cade's Cove pic-nic ground followed by a short hike on a nearby trail. We only hiked about a quarter mile probably, but I think everyone had a nice time. Kate was a little disappointed at first because we said we were going to the park, which to her means the local park by the school where there is a play ground. So when we got to the National Park and there were no swings or slides we had a moment of tears and confusion until she understood that you could climb on the rocks, play in the stream and get really dirty hiking. I have to admit though, although this was all fun, we still had to make a short visit to the local park that evening for some swinging and slide time.

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