Monday, August 16

I love my kids

I have really enjoyed my kids this weekend. Do you ever have times like that where you just soak in the things you love about the people around you? I tried to do that with my kids this weekend. That's not to say it was a blissful weekend that I spent reveling in them 24-7. It was a pretty average weekend with some standard housework and home improvement projects - which were surprisingly not terribly difficult to tackle with small children running around as I would have thought. But the thing is that I was able to step back and admire them at several points throughout the weekend. And really, I've been trying to do this for the past week or so. I am finding that it changes my perspective overall and helps me to be more patient them when they are having not-so-admirable moments.

Owen cracks me up. He's a funny little guy and he's starting to get that certain things are always good for a laugh - like singing happy birthday to the potty or answering a question with a pondering "maybe...". He loves the sound of his own laugh, especially a deep growling chuckle and we both end up just laughing at the laughter. He dances like no one is watching - especially when there's a good beat. He is a sweet natured boy (despite his raging temper) and is always giving me kisses or patting my arm when he sits next to me.

Kate loves to expand her vocabulary. She often surprises me with the words she uses - correctly. She loves being read to. She puts together some wild outfits - the turquoise ankle socks she wore with her white shoes and Sunday dress yesterday were actually pretty tame in comparison. She is very loving and nurturing and is about the best big sister Owen could ask for, even if I do have to remind her that she's not his mommy now and then. She loves to make cards for us that say "I LUV U MOM DAD" often in the shape of an oval that was trying to be a heart.

I love these guys!


Grandfather said...

You are so right about them. They are so wonderful to be around. I think you and James "did good"
Grandfather and Nana

Dixiemom7 said...

So great! Love it. I think one of the secrets of parenthood is to treasure the lovely times up in your heart so that you can take them out and remind yourself of your riches when the times get tough. I had a moment like this recently when I looked over at Antonio (12 1/2 and so moody!) playing the hand drum at church & thought: Wow, he is doing amazing! I'm so blessed! (so are you!)

Unknown said...

ah, great post! I even teared up a little..I hope I can also admire my kids the way you do in tough times